School,movie,brownies and tea

Tjenixen alla

I am in school right now so let take this in english because these keyboards are really wierd.
These last days have been really slow and I have only been in school and studying all days. And when I have been home I have also been studying, woow what my life is interesting right now!

Well, the weather is quite good, rainy yesterday but today it is warm but no sun.

Yesterday after I finished the school I went to Sandras place and we went to Tesco and bought some candy and cakes and guess what I found?! One 1 L Oasis, you can guess who bought that one! Then we looked at a movie, or One tree Hill and later I went home and fall asleep.
Today I will just be home and study (suprise) and take a cup of tea and eat my chocolate.

See u later..


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